The retest applies to businesses receiving JobSaver or the Micro-Business Grant. These Businesses will be required to reconfirm their eligibility each fortnight for them to continue receiving the payments.

All applicants must monitor their emails from Service NSW, in relation to these eligibility requirements.
The retest must confirm that the business has continued to experience a decline in turnover of at least 30 per cent and has maintained its employee headcount as stated in its original application.
September payments will continue without the need for businesses to reconfirm their eligibility, with payments only ceasing if reconfirmation is not provided from October onwards.
Businesses that are still closed or severely impacted by restrictions are required to simply indicate they remain eligible without a calculation of decline in turnover.
The new guidelines also note that businesses may oscillate in and out of the support payments from fortnight to fortnight.
Every business has its own circumstances and we will work with our clients to correctly complete the retest forms.